IELTS: Studying and passing the exam on your own

 IELTS can be easy and very difficult all based on how much time and effort you put in preparation as well as the quality of materials you use.  In this article, I will guide you on which materials to aid you get a 7+ band in the IELTS exam.

I presume you already know what the IELTS exam is and have already registered. If not, you can read about how to register and book for the IELTS exam here.

After registering, British Council, one of the exam facilitators, provides candidates with a few materials which can be helpful. But most of these materials have to be bought from them.

I will provide you with alternative materials in the Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing.

There are apps which are helpful in writing the exam. Some of these are provided free of charge by the British Council and they even aid you in counting down to the days to you examination and track your progress as you practise for the exam.

Follow this link to read and download IELTS Apps which come in handy from the British Council.


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